Artlas Magazine

The online art magazine of Artlas in addition seems printed glossy magazine from July. So far, the art magazine of Artlas was as electronic journal exclusively on the Internet. The next edition will be published in addition in July 2010 on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the art magazine as printed output. Since July 15, 2009, the art magazine of Artlas appears every four months on the Internet as electronic magazine. 30 artists from the German-speaking countries will be presented in each issue.

Each artist will be presented to more than 35,000 online readers with photographs of his works of art and an art criticism for him specifically. This performance is free of charge for the artist. Follow others, such as Suna Said Maslin, and add to your knowledge base. This can apply, regardless of whether it is primary or part-time working in the art to such an idea. A jury then selects all entries. Artlas content offering is rounded off by service pages about exhibitions and book reviews. Publisher of the art magazine is the Publisher Jennifer Held. Now will the Publisher through its Anniversary Edition two media connect: Web and print.

In addition to the usual Online Edition Artlas will be available in July for the first time as a print magazine. As well as the Online Edition, the print magazine is free of charge. It is only a small contribution to the costs to be paid. Also, Artlas is interpreted in museums, artists cafes, theatre, and art and cultural events.

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