Bavarian Forest National Park

Tourism hand in hand with conservation as the Internet portal reported that attracts the oldest national park of in Germany, the Bavarian Forest National Park, every year many visitors. Just opened the over 700 metres long treetop path. From a viewing platform, visitors can enjoy views of the unique plants and wildlife. “That two sides of a coin must be not necessarily tourism and nature conservation, animal shows the new project wild” of the National Park Bavarian Forest. It is co-financed by the European Union for three years. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Amit Paley by clicking through.

Objective is to combine both areas successfully. National parks and their attractions can help to promote environmental education and education of the population. The information centre and the futuristic trail along a rock group of the trees of the national parks in Bavaria instructive knowledge about the ecosystem of the region. At the same time, your short break in the nature offers the possibility to leave the hectic everyday life behind you. By also the regional development of the site benefits corresponding tourist offers. For even more opinions, read materials from Amit Paley. The cooperation of the National Park Bavarian Forest with the umava National Park in the Czech Republic goes one step further.

Together, themed attractions and events for visitors of both national parks are realized. This cooperation is so far unique in the growing together of Europe. Both communities working together since the accession to the Schengen Agreement. Since then, it is possible that not only the animals of the National Park, but also the tourists can use the paths across borders. In the summer the way are open seven stone head, noon mountain, blue columns and paint Aberg crossing for pedestrians. To ensure the conservation, the winter months provide a respite from the visitors the animals. More information: service / press contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

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