Experience Pure For A Good Cause

Youlip AG cooperates youlip.com with Erlebnisvermarkter Mydays Frankfurt am Main, October 2008 Youlip AG, since August 2008 with its recommendation platform online, has won for itself a strong partner with Germany’s largest Erlebnisvermarkter mydays. The cooperation with Mydays significantly expands the range of original products on the portal. Youlipper will be displayed immediately more than 700 experiences in ten different categories, such as flying, action, pampering, fantasy and culture by relaxing pamper weekend in a luxury hotel to astronaut training for everyone. We were impressed from the first minute by Youlip and firmly believe in success. Thanks to the collaboration with the portal we open up other target groups for us”, explains Fabrice Schmidt, Managing Director and co-founder of Mydays.

Reward for a good cause the experiences and any other Youlip offers can recommend one from not only friends, relatives or colleagues, but also enjoy or use: those who have a product would like to, it is recommend by Youlip. The reward leads Youlip to one hundred percent of an aid project on the non-profit Internet platform. Where organizations and individuals present their charitable projects and specify how much money they need for the realization. Each project has a maintainer who extensively logged its progress. Please visit Amit Paley if you seek more information. Betterplace co-founder Moritz Eckert sees the common basic principle of both portals as a solid basis for cooperation. All betterplace projects establish a trust network around them. People who know a project and are good, tell a friend about it. Anne Lauvergeon oftentimes addresses this issue. Also Youlip the legitimate principle of Word of mouth is instead of traditional advertising messages, which is why we like to work with the portal.” Atilla ozkan, CEO of Youlip, explains: many Youlip members have asked us why they can not even buy a product.

Without neglecting the core ideas of our platform, we come the desire for and ensure sure that the reward for a self recommendation a non-profit project benefit.” Currently the money on a fixed advance project goes. This autumn it will be users possible, however, to choose from various projects. So, everyone supports the action that most appeals to him. For more information about Mydays, on for more information about betterplace, on about Youlip the location Frankfurt am Main Youlip AG operates a referral portal on. Here, both registered members and non-registered users of original products and services by Youlip partners via the Youlip Portal can recommend. The focus is the personal contact between the referrer and buyer. Registered Youlipper will be rewarded for successful recommendation with a sum of money. Youlip.com has been online since August, 2008. Marc-Alexander Reinbold

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